North London Food & Culture



Pinboard: Local art special, plus where is K-Town’s club – and a terrace for The Grafton?

1. Why can’t we have a sunny terrace at The Grafton? It’s safe to say The Grafton epitomises the positive spirit of independent businesses making …


Pinboard: Films, rooftops, clubs – a bank holiday special. And an unexpectedly great market?

1. A road movie at King’s Cross Filling Station? Quick, quick, quick. It’s the last weekend for the outdoor Everyman Cinema, which is based at …


Pinboard: free offers, free events – and another reader artwork comp

1. Dont miss free stuff in our April print edition – and the first ever Camden Lock Farmers’ Market! Have you picked up a copy …


Top 5: Hangouts for Liam Gallagher in Kentish Town

Why is the still wild Gallagher hanging out in such genteel middle-aged haunts?


Review: Junction Tavern, Kentish Town

It’s just been sold after 10 years to new owners. So what’s the food offering at the Junction Tavern like now? Our story on the …


Pinboard: Eating & drinking special (with another closure, alas)

1. A refreshed Lord Palmerston Despite still being minus two degrees, with a chill factor that positively makes us want to scream, pubs across the …


Review: Lucky Chip at The Grafton

Incredible the debate that followed our brief mention of the new Lucky Chip menu at the Grafton last week. Readers slugged it out on both …


Pinboard: Things to do Easter 2013 – & a new festival for Camden Town

1. The best hot chocolate in the world, ever? If you’re stuck at home with not much to do this long weekend and fancy a …


Southampton Arms: London’s #1 hipster joint?

This is very silly indeed. Some American blog – connected to marketing thingy Spotistic – has issued an ‘infographic’ (see below) comparing American vs European …


So what is lunch at the Assembly House really like?

We have avoided reviewing the food at the Assembly House only because it seems pointless scrutinizing a place whose sales might be more wet than …

About Kentishtowner

The award-winning print and online title Kentishtowner was founded in 2010 and is part of London Belongs To Me, a citywide network of travel guides for locals. For more info on what we write about and why, see our About section.