“There is something so giving about the ponds. I have been going on a weekly basis for the past 20 years and I feel so lucky to have them. I love the bustle of London. It’s such an energetic and exciting place to be, however I do need to escape to the tranquillity of nature. The ponds are the perfect getaway: nature’s ability to restore and reinvigorate never ceases to amaze me.
“7:30am is rush hour. In the last ten years or so, pond swimming has exponentially grown in popularity. There seems to be a trend towards fitness and using the ponds for exercise purposes. In particular, I have noticed a lot more sculpted triathlon trainees, who have realised the benefits of training outdoors rather than in the congested atmosphere of the gym.
“The female pond used to be predominantly elderly women. You would meet such inspirational characters – women who were just so alive and so beautiful. Regardless of their age, shape, size or the weather, they would walk around in complete comfort. It is a really empowering thing to see. I remember taking photographs of the pond in winter and while the ladies would be standing there in their swim gear without a care in the world, I was layered up in gloves and a scarf, shivering my way through the shoot.
“There are some really great characters to be found. I have had such a wonderful opportunity to talk to and photograph people from all different walks of life. Orthodox Jews, athletes, poets, writers, city workers – you name it, the ponds have got it.
“Throughout the last century, countless people have swum there. In the women’s pond in particular, there is something incredibly powerful about being in the same spot as so many generations before us. You become blissfully aware of this when you enter the water.