There was much over-excited anticipation as we climbed the stairs to the overground, the giggling 3 and 5-year old taking the lead. We were going on a bear hunt.
It’s easy to get to Islington’s lovely Little Angel Theatre (just say “I think I can hear a bear” when you get to Highbury & Islington station, then step gingerly along Upper Street). Their current puppet interpretation of author Michael Rosen and illustrator Helen Oxenby’s 1989 kids bookshelf classic is an ideal centrepiece for a London family adventure.
The 45-minute show is a thoroughly charming, well-paced romp through the various natural obstacles that arise in the book, itself an adaptation of traditional fireside spoken word tales. The offbeat repetitive lyricism of the text is spun into a succession of longer musical numbers, performed by the enthusiastic band of puppeteers. It’s powerful enough that an initially wriggling audience was held mercifully rapt throughout.
Other than the pleasure of witnessing one’s offspring gleefully enjoying a trip to the theatre, there’s plenty in the show to keep the adults from squirming for the final curtain too. The handling of the puppets is entrancingly realistic, from the gloopy gait of the children through the mud to the twitchy curiosity of a fawn in the forest.
Occasional moments in the dark, and the eventual arrival of the bear caused a fair amount of grizzling from some quarters of the audience, however the scary knob is rarely cranked up above factor 2. In fact our charges were in agreement that “the big bear” was their favourite bit.
Theatre is among the most refreshingly guilt-free, organic options parents have at their disposal when wishing to thoroughly indulge the kids. Particularly here, where the working of the puppets and the experience of seeing a bedtime favourite come to life plant all kinds of creative seeds in the minds of the wider-eyed audience members.
Emerging into the sunshine, the super-helpful theatre staff waving us off into Islington’s fine cobbled backstreets, we took a route through the long grass and shady trees of gated but public Compton Terrace Gardens, next to Union Chapel. This provided more bear hunting opps. In fact the theme has continued daily ever since – a sure sign of a day out that made a lasting, magical impression.
The show runs until 21st July, and there’s a Q&A with Michael Rosen for hardcore bear hunt fans after the 3.30 performance of Sat 29th June.
Words: Tom Kihl